You Gotta Start Building a Nest Egg Somehow (saving & side-hustle ideas)


You Gotta Start Building a Nest Egg Somehow (saving & side-hustle ideas)

Side-hustle ideas:

If you have viral posts/stories/documents laying around, consider self-publishing.

Sign up your friends and new contacts for WeBull and eToro (brokerages). Both pay out to you after you sign up. Then sign up all your friends and contacts. Practice your sales skills.

Editing videos is becoming a hot side-hustle.

Work overtime.

Launch a new consumer product.

Learn to cloak affiliate links and begin affiliate marketing.

Consulting / coaching / tutoring can be opportunities.

Clean medical offices (hire employees).

Donating plasma can be a lucrative side-hustle.

If you live outside the U.S. Fiverr might have a gig you can do.

Mysticism is becoming hot. You could become an astrologer or Tarot card reader.

Resell items you find at garage sales, Goodwill, police auctions and online.

 13 Money Saving Ideas 

Quit or cut back on smoking and chewing ZYN.

Take a hard look at your online subscriptions.

Avoid delivery fees and cook at home. Or go pick up your food.

Shop the discount and wholesale stores.

Shop the value menu at the fast-food place.

Figure out if signing up for rewards is worth it.

Don’t donate to local politicians who are actually working against you.

Buy versatile clothes.

For 300 more money saving ideas, see How to Save $1000 per month.

Save at least half of pay raises and cost of living adjustments (c.o.l.a.’s).

Go to the grocery store with a list.

Take advantage of Costco's food court and cheaper than average prescriptions.

Work overtime and not only will you earn more, you'll spend less.


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