What Were Your Red Pill Moments?

 Here are a few from me.

Hopefully I can figure out how to enable comments on here again.

I once worked for a state legislator. He said grassroots is good. But you need endorsements and donations from powerful corporations, the LDS and the banks. He said politics isn't what you think.

I worked for a security co. One kid destroyed the golf cart. Guess who had to patrol on foot? The same kid brought hacking software to a site computer. Guess what happened to him? He got promoted. Meanwhile, I was denied meal breaks and had my schedule changed without warning. The company advertised a $1 raise after 90 days. Total lie.

The same company had a "captain" who was an old state employee. He didn't know or care what he was doing. The site I worked at was 80% supervisors.


I walked in on a few conversations with church ladies at my parent's home. I never understood why front butted women were allowed to run roughshod over young men in churches.

The elites have the same enemy, so they (in theory) crush outliers via psychology, sociology, economic warfare, and using items like the Stanford Test. And vaccines. 


I went to an alumni bbq. Big fat boisterous lawyah demanded a free copy of a book. The douche made a piss poor copy of it and put it up for sale. I never understood the point. At the alumni event the douche lawyah was flanked by a g-thuggin idiot who tried to intimidate me and insinuate remote bullshit. Both are veterans.

Oh, btw, the LP is faux opposition almost as obvious as the Con-Inc astroturf.


Another major one was finding out the elites and their spokesmouths push college degrees in order to crush outliers.


Participating in the College Republicans brought multiple red pills. The state GOP told us through shit dick straw men they were surrendering the big city to the Democrats. The Teachers Union and Agenda 2000/2030 had an outsized say in the party. Both wanted the CRs disbanded. Most of the CRs obeyed and are sheepleherders to this day.


I had a friend who is an R. But he usually kissed the ass of all authorities. He got a few felonies. Really dumb ones. He bought into student leadership doctrines hook, line and sinker. He's still an R and a government employee. I think he tries hard to be blue pill, like most CCINOs.


Savage was thrown off the air and banned from entering the UK. The state and national GOP didn't care.


In 2007, at an online "conservative" forum, members railed against Ron Paul and heaped praise on McCain. I'm sure they gave Obama a "chance" too. That's what Con-Inc astroturf wanted.


Seeing rank and file GOP reaction to End Game was and is a red pill. People want the same insane thing over and over. One talking point in college was "old people are bitter because they didn't drink the cool aid in their youth.


Finding out janitors at a place I worked ran DDOS attacks against employees who listened to the Savage Nation. 


Being asked to sign a company wide letter saying I wouldn't talk bad about The Federal Reserve after touting End Game online was initially a shock.


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