The larger an audience , the more likely it is that the information being shared is of lower quality . This is because the more people that are exposed to the information , the more likely it is that it will become distorted or inaccurate . When information is shared with a large audience , it is often more difficult to verify its accuracy , as there are more people who could potentially be making mistakes or spreading misinformation . In addition , when information is shared with a large audience , it is more likely to be shared again , which can lead to further distortion and inacc uracy . This is because the further it is shared , the more likely it is to be misinterpret ed or taken out of context . Furthermore , the larger the audience , the greater the potential for the information to be misunderstood , as different people may interpret ...
Here are a few from me. Hopefully I can figure out how to enable comments on here again. I once worked for a state legislator. He said grassroots is good. But you need endorsements and donations from powerful corporations, the LDS and the banks. He said politics isn't what you think. I worked for a security co. One kid destroyed the golf cart. Guess who had to patrol on foot? The same kid brought hacking software to a site computer. Guess what happened to him? He got promoted. Meanwhile, I was denied meal breaks and had my schedule changed without warning. The company advertised a $1 raise after 90 days. Total lie. The same company had a "captain" who was an old state employee. He didn't know or care what he was doing. The site I worked at was 80% supervisors. *** I walked in on a few conversations with church ladies at my parent's home. I never understood why front butted women were allowed to run roughshod over young men in churches. The elites have the same en...
Can you give me 10 ant if rag ile mindset strategies ? 1 . Em brace Unc ertain ty – Develop a flexible mindset and don ’ t be afraid to run off the beaten path in order to develop a better understanding of the situation . 2 . Develop Res il ience – When faced with challenges , learn to bounce back quickly and stay strong in the face of adversity . 3 . Take calculated risks – Don ’ t be afraid to take risks , but focus on making sure to assess the situation and understand the potential consequences . 4 . Show Gr at itude – Allow yourself to be thankful for the positive things that come out of difficult situations . 5 . Adapt and Learn – Em brace change and be open to learning new ways of doing things . 6 . Lever age Weak nesses – Don ’ t be afraid to use your weaknesses as strengths by developing creative strategies to overcome them . 7 . ...
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