Fast Wealth Hacks


None of the following should be construed as any type of professional advice.

If you want to get wealth faster, read this. I wouldn’t crowdsource other ideas (not as yourself).

The author cannot help that the following is potentially offensive.

Keep in mind there are a myriad of people who want you broke and under the thumb of some glorious kingpin. If you dispute this, beat it.

Here's the list:

  •          80+ hour weeks.
  •        Options. (CBOE)
  •          Buy undervalued assets. This includes cars and homes and especially businesses you can   reorganize.
  •          Vote to allow citizens to opt out of social security and to end unemployment insurance.
  •          Starting now, look for the most rewarding opportunities.
  •          Try magnitude rather than scale (or try both).
  •          Look into overemployment and the Porsche Strategy.
  •         Self-actualization and self-realization can bring value (you) that is tougher to plagiarize and pilfer.
  •          How many SaaS (software as a service) businesses can you launch?
  •        Ask your ChatGPT, “what follows x?” or “expound on x?” You have to know what comes next.

Whether you are gathering data yourself or paying for data, you have to be sure your data is valid and you have to know how to interpret it. Millions of dollars are spent on disinformation of all types. Case in point, Con-Inc astroturf does what the legacy media and the schools won’t. Or it might be a matter of what the legacy media and the schools get (maliciously) wrong. Anyway, you want to weed out the bad Con-Inc guys who are given away by them not mentioning or advising against the following: 1) reading Atlas Shrugged, 2) Attending The Leadership Institute or other seminars, 3) utilizing College Republican chapters, 4) reading about The Federal Reserve 5) exposing bad actor, fed poster or other agents of disruption, and 6) watching End Game by Info Wars. You can see End Game on this site’s Answers page.

Navigating stock and crypto investments, making major purchases and raising capital for a business (or almost anything) is just as treacherous due to crime. Even pro law enforcement cucks are quiet about how bad the crimes and the legalized (or institutionalized) scandals are. What tell tale signs do you know about in your field?

This brings us to more fast wealth hacks:

11  Note patterns and similarities in all you observe wherever you choose. Don’t let fraudulent boss man tell you that you don’t see patterns, similarities and trends (maybe unless boss man has you sleep deprived.) If patterns and similarities become predictable, determine whether to place a bet or take other action. Dan Bilzerian reminds us to watch for set ups in areas that we know and he subtly suggests playing cards with rich people you know who are bad players.

11   Obvious 101: exit Ponzi’s and rugs without worrying about whether the investment is at the exact peak or not. Limit exposure.

13 Pick the brains of older, more experienced, more intelligent people. Btw, IQ is real. Don’t go around suggesting this or you’ll hear, “REEEEEEEEEEEEE.” The screeches mean you’re on the right path.

Let me tell you a related story. Once, an old boss of mine said our place of employment would become a “concentration camp.” The boss had to retire (on social security only) and a new guy was assigned. The new guy didn’t like white people, old people or books. Investing was not accepted at his SJW church. Anyway, this guy had to waste the client’s time to totally reinvent the wheel. Write ups were frequent and chaos ensued. All of the original crew were fired, except Eddie Willers (named after a character from Atlas). My boss’s boss made fun of my boss in front of others, regularly.

The CEO of the company (he inherited the company), the firm’s security company and janitorial company all had globalist delusions of grandeur. The janitorial company openly admitted doing DDOS attacks on locals. The security company boasted it had a contract with [redacted].

Fox News insists the part of the country where the above business is located is "solidly conservative." The world is fake and gay. Bet on yourself.

The Bible says to cling to good sense. That’s not what SJWs, cucks, or globalists do, but we should do it anyway. Pay attention to insights and signs from wiser people. This won’t make you popular. But my desire is for my readers to live to fight another day.

14  Damage control is a real “thing.” Don’t be fooled by people who say it’s not. Even if you don’t work in PR, law, politics or on a board of directors, knowing damage control allows us to recognize it. This can be a help.

15  Treat marketing like software engineering. Make every aspect of your marketing appealing to your target customer and leave little doubt you’ll solve the problem your customers Googled an answer for.

11  Watch the most classic ads in history. Attention is like money.

11  Choose your team: producer or consumer, debtor or you’re the bank, independent business owner or government bureaucrat. Be careful of the vultures who blur the lines or those want nationalization of assets.

1  Don’t suffer sour faced fools who don’t understand money or who don’t understand what you’re doing. For now, have zero time for idiots (and the fat [redacted] who may have sent them.) Press for answers about the junior mafia’s demands. Get names. Get witnesses. Get screenshots. Don’t take bait. Don’t trust your new buddy. Expect SJWs, globalists and junior mafia to derelict their duties to harass you. Expect pilfering, bad reviews, slander, reviews from “bro” social skills guy and phishing online. The sour faces will demand total transparency from you and demand total access. Then, expect lawfare, a term cuckservatives can’t hear or use. Keep in mind, cucks have been cucks since before most of you were born. The old cucks sold out to the globalist feminist liberals and made the young bucks out to be the originators of the cuck's folly. True story. Not to be construed as legal advice. Instead of suffering fools, squeeze every dollar out of every minute every day.

19   I know what many of you are thinking: how to profit off dystopia? I have a few ways:

20  Use “puts” to bet against companies or the market.
-  Or, bet on hyperinflation raising stock prices.
-  Go long the VIX if you believe volatility and FUD will become ugly soon.
  Logically deduce what should survive: alcohol, tech, strip malls, fast food, security & related businesses. I wouldn’t invest in companies that rip people off, laws could be made.
-  T-Bills and T-Bonds are tricky. Investors flee to them for safety. But, interest rate increases push down bond prices.

       If you want more alpha, be sure to read Jerome Brown's Antifragility & Machiavellianism eBooks available on amazon.



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