If you want to Restore the Republic, learn these two words

Stymie and sequester.

Go to church, a College Republicans meeting or anyplace, and you'll have lawyers or above average therapists stymieing, sequestering and having everyone chase their tails. They don't have to tell you they're lawyers.

"Biden is good for the GOP." Really? That's an odd thing to say after two steals.

If "we" did "organize" we'd have leaders who'd say the people didn't deserve to Restore the Republic or if they did, they'd lie and say "there's no interest in Restoring the Republic."

I supposed you could expose your kid to globalist-feminist-pro-LGTBQ churches and schools. But I believe most parents lack what it takes to keep sending their kids to engage and defend and debate and ignore self-serving rules and psyops. Self-esteem is one thing Gen X people lack.

One thing to do, regardless of how deep the soft crime around you is, go to the Leadership Institute. If you won't go, you can send stand out kids from your neighborhood.

The GOP has relied on LI less and less since since the 1990s. BUT, the GOP has sucked more and more since the 1990s. Libertarians, the other faux-opposition party, can attend LI.

Normies have stood firm against self-improvement, reading and "all I teach" for the last two decades. Where'd it get you? Before Facebook, the normies on Myspace talked up McCain and screamed for Ron Paul's head. How'd that work out?

Are the normies deserving of having their Republic Restored? I say yes, though many normies will feel guilty if it happens.

So, my prescription is to 1) watch End Game, 2) attend LI, 3) don't let chubby NYU lawyah who claims to be on your side rush you or manipulate you and don't let her lead your org, whatever that might be.

My prescription is to avoid making a new (idiotic) forum or profile, like the dunderheads always do, rather than to calm their asses down and watch End Game. Also, to quit watching FOX, quit listening to cuck radio and to keep donations to themselves. Donations to not-for-you astroturf organizations are counter-productive.

Be ready for your spouse to leave if you follow through. Like I said, Gen X has weak self-esteem and they will abandon you if gaslit or pressured by reality-jerkit-court. Pastor will be flabbergasted. Doctor, who's head of the local Democrats won't be surprised.

Lastly, quit masturbating to fantasy war and fantasy cop movies. Its tough to convince Libertarians to vote R when you're for a military police state.

There are plenty of Libertarians that are based (moral) and don't need the retarded judgement of local kingpins, astroturf or high IQ liar to compete with.

Undercover lawyah wants you to move fast. NO! think first. How is it in Can't Understand Normal Thinking's interest? How is it in your interest to or not to?

Go to https://mastermind-university.com/answers/ to see End Game. Or are you going to cry?


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