Stymie and sequester . Go to church, a College Republicans meeting or anyplace, and you'll have lawyers or above average therapists stymieing, sequestering and having everyone chase their tails. They don't have to tell you they're lawyers. "Biden is good for the GOP." Really? That's an odd thing to say after two steals. If "we" did "organize" we'd have leaders who'd say the people didn't deserve to Restore the Republic or if they did, they'd lie and say "there's no interest in Restoring the Republic." I supposed you could expose your kid to globalist-feminist-pro-LGTBQ churches and schools. But I believe most parents lack what it takes to keep sending their kids to engage and defend and debate and ignore self-serving rules and psyops. Self-esteem is one thing Gen X people lack. One thing to do, regardless of how deep the soft crime around you is, go to the Leadership Institute. If you won't go, you can send...