About the Books to Your Left
Antifragility & Machiavellianism examines financial resiliency, political resiliency, and what philosophies make countries great. This audiobook could cause a pee-in at a local college. Seriously, a professor could be fired for saying that kind of stuff. Con-Inc astroturf won't discuss it either. Alchemy talks about the remaining ways to become a billionaire. The ideas for reaching more subscribers and followers is good. The tips on bypassing filters and censorship is common sensical and not fail safe. Alchemy is good for people starting out in Internet marketing whether young or old. Hardball is a classic. Hardball has been recommended by people in-the-know for three decades. But the author being who he is causes R's to decline and create pee-ins of their own. So its for the realist. Cyrus the Great was one of two people taken straight up to Heaven in the Bible. Cyrus was also a brilliant military commander and statesman. Outshine the Master turns the first rule of po...